Monday, October 13, 2008

Sous Chef Marissa

Today is Columbus Day and of course all of us teachers and students are off from school. YEAH!! Today was a day to catch up on laundry and stuff around the house. I also decided to make a nice big dinner- Eggplant Parm. I took a quick jaunt to the store to pick up some fresh eggplant. When I returned from the store, my daughter Marissa decided that she would help. She wanted to learn how to make it. I was reluctant at first. I sometimes run on the policy that I can do things faster by myself. But I stopped myself from turning her away and let her hang with me and help. I gave her the job of flouring the slices of eggplant. She mastered that pretty well and soon she had graduated to flouring AND dipping in the egg mixture. It took us a while to fry the eggplant but I do think that she helped me go a little faster. Hanging with Marissa in the kitchen brought me back to when I was her age and helped my mom and grandma make dinner. That's how I learned to cook. Hanging out in the kitchen and helping (peeling potatoes, breading chicken breasts, shaking the chicken in the shake-n-bake bag, setting the table). This was a very important part of my growing up. I learned a lot from my mom and grandma and it was a lot more than just cooking. Granted I had to learn my husband's favorites from my mother-in-law (hence- Eggplant Parm.) I think that these moments with our kids are important in their growing up. Not only did we have fun together, but she learned something. She was also very proud of her accomplishment in the making of that meal. When everyone sat down to dinner tonight she made the big proclamation that she cooked the Eggplant. I think she had the biggest piece.

Today's Affirmation:
"I am willing to let go.
I release others to experience whatever is meaningful to them, and I am free to create that which is meaningful to me."

Today I let go of the reigns a little today and let Marissa help with dinner. It was important for her to hang with me and learn something "grown-up". She felt very grown up when claiming credit for tonight's dinner. It was also very meaningful to me to pass my knowledge down to her. Some day she will do the same with her own kids. I was very proud of her today!

When have you let go to let others experience what is meaningful to them and in turn became meaningful to you?

P.S. For those of you who are wondering- I had a great experience at the mall the other day- shopping by myself (AAAHHHH-Bliss!!!) I found a great outfit for the wedding on Saturday. I was a woman on a mission and found something within 1 hour and it was on SALE!!!! I decided not to buy shoes. I couldn't justify spending some sick amount of money for shoes that I will only wear once in a while. I have a pair of shoes that I have hardly worn and will do just fine. I will take pictures at the wedding and post them next week.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Busy, Crazy, Sicky Week!

The writing of this post was done over a span of time.
Wednesday I wrote this:
My 14-year-old son came home from school last Thursday with a really bad cold. Then 16-year-old son caught it shortly after him. Well now, it is my turn. Although, I do not have a complete cold, I just have an all over achiness, headache, stomachache and crummy feeling from head to toe. Tuesday I was home sick. I literally called in sick, crawled back into bed, pulled the covers over my head, and slept until early afternoon. Neither of the boys has really missed any school. They are both in high school and feel that unless they are throwing up, they truly cannot miss any school. Me too, I am right back at work today. I long for the days when I was in elementary school, when I could stay home for a few days. My mom or my grandma would give me soup in bed, and my teacher would send home work and a note from the class saying that they hoped I feel better soon and get caught up on the work when I could. In high school there is no excuse for not having homework, even if you’re really sick. It is the student’s responsibility to find out the missing work and make sure they are all caught up on the day in which they return to school. For us in the working place, everyone wonders where you were and there is little post its all over your desk.
Sunday I write:
Well, I took care of all of the little post it notes on Wednesday. Thursday night at dance class my daughter had a great honor bestowed upon her. She and some of her friends were asked to join the dance competition team!! She is still beaming!! We are so proud of her. She works so hard. She wanted this so bad!
I spent Friday in an all day meeting. Saturday I cleaned the house all day :( I'm feeling a lot better now but my headache did not leave me until Friday morning. Today I am going shopping ALL BY MYSELF!!!!!!! My husband and I are going to a wedding in Manhatten next Saturday. It's going to be quite an elegant affair and I just don't have anything in my closet that is suitable. So as soon as I'm finished writing and posting I will be jumping in the shower, getting dressed and I'll be off to the mall- ALONE!! :)
It's been a crazy week and I've missed blogging!! I'm back! I'm still here! I look forward to reading all of the posts I've missed on the blogs that I follow.

So, here is today's affirmation:
"I am at Peace
Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell in me. I feel tolerance, compassion, and love for all people, myself included."

Saturday, October 4, 2008

We Can Turn This Around- Can't We?

Lately, I am quite grateful that my mortgage is up to date and my house is still worth more than I owe. My husband sent me the link to this clip and it truly hit me hard in the heart. Watch and you'll see:

I feel sorry for those who got caught up in this mess. This so called "bailout" bill is not going to help the homeowner in trouble. The bill is basically only going to help the banks. It is a shame that we are now relying on those who let this mess happen! Where is the bailout for the homeowner in trouble?
I know we will fix this! We Americans are a strong people! We have to work together to find our own solution!

I think this affirmation will work for this situation:
"There is plenty for everyone, including me. The ocean of life is lavish with its abundance. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask. My good comes from everywhere and everyone and everything."

What is your solution? Let's make a collection of ideas to help eachother out!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Economic Crisis or Turning Point?

The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about. Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest. Essentially "if you really want something and believe it's possible, you'll probably get it" but that putting a lot of attention and thought onto something you don't want means you'll probably get that too. The past few days there has been a lot of talk about "economic crisis" "financial bailout" and many other situations that very well could insue panic and frenzy throughout. Why are we approaching this situation with such a negative attitude? Everything I listen to is doom, doom, doom! The law of attraction states that our thoughts become things. If we continue to stress the negative attitude to this situation, more negative experiences are going to occur. Why not use terms like "economice turning point" or "financial assistance"?
It seems that something definetly has to be done to turn the financial world around. While watching "The View" yesterday, Whoopie Goldberg used a very eloquent analogy to this situation: (I can't quote her exactly) She said something like this- There was a huge party and most of us went to the party. Some of us indulged more than others. Now the party is over and it's time to clean up and deal with the hang over.So I say let's deal with it in a positive manner so that all will be healed. It's time to understand that we are at an "Economic Turning Point" and give some "Financial Assistance" to secure our assets and keep the economy going and make the dollar strong.
Here are some affirmations that we can all say each day to assist in this situation:

"I am willing to change. I am willing to release old negative beliefs. They are only thoughts that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling."

"My income is constantly increasing. I begin now today to open myself to ever-increasing prosperity."

What is your opinion? Does anybody have a solution to all of this?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Lazy Sunday Morning!

Don't you just love a lazy Sunday morning? This whole weekend has been rather lazy! I love it! We've spent the past many, many weekends going to christenings, showers, birthday parties etc... AAAAHHHH finally a weekend to do nothing. Yesterday as you know I worked on changing the layout of this blog while all the men in the house went to the homecoming game at the High School (we lost :() and then we all went for chinese food for dinner. This morning I woke up around 8:15. Chatted with husband for a bit. He got up and went to the living room to watch the Formula 1 race with older son Michael. I pulled the covers over my head for another half hour. I peeked my head out of the covers and grabbed the laptop to have a look around the blog world for a little while. I got up for about 10 minutes to make coffee and grab a bowl of cereal and then headed back to bed. Sitting up in bed with my cereal and coffee, I turned on the television and flipped around there for a while. Then I called my mom to talk to her for about an hour. Then my husband came back to bed for another chat, followed by daughter Marissa and then middle son Mark. Before you know it all 5 of us were hanging out in our room (kids to big to hop into bed) having a nice chat. I'm getting up now! At 12:15! I sent my husband out for the paper, so I could get the coupons to go grocery shopping. While he's out, I'll jump in the shower. I do need to go grocery shopping. I will at least do that today. But sometimes we all need to just relax and do nothing.
Here is today's affirmation: "Life is simple and easy. All that I need to know at any given moment is revealed to me. I trust myself and I trust life. All is well."

I think the affirmation speaks for itself. Sometimes we just need to relax and reset our clocks.
When was the last time you spent some time to yourself and relax?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Changing the Layout is HARD!!!!!

As you can see I have changed the layout of the blog. I think I like this one much better. I have added some new things and kept some of the old things. I have added a poll to the left- Please vote and tell me if you like the new layout! Feel free to leave a comment.
No affirmation right now- Check back later for an update on this post and I'll have an affirmation for the day!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Doing the Happy Dance!

Last night several family and friends gathered at my home for a cash in your jewelry party. It was quite prosperous for all of us- including me the hostess. Two jewelers came to my house, set up their equipment for appraising jewelry, and bought my guests' unwanted jewelry from them. This was a different kind of gathering. It was unlike the usual, candle, home interior, pamperend chef, lia sofia type party, where you come, watch a demonstration, buy more than you can afford and leave feeling guilty for having spent so much. There was no demonstration, just sign up for your turn to sell the stuff some boyfriend, who you can't remember his name anymore, gave you in high school. I made 10% of what was sold- which came out to about $500! I did quite a little happy dance. Nobody left unhappy. The highest seller was a guest who came with an invited friend. She wasn't going to come and boy is she lucky she came- she went home with $1,200. Somebody else made a similar amount and that money is being donated to sponsor her niece at a fundraiser for Lymphoma. I was very excited to hear that. I feel good that eventhough my original intension for having the party was for me to make some money, that some of the money acquired was going to benefit more than those at the party last night. So, today I am on a nice little high and it's pay day at work- double happy dance!!!

Here is today's affirmation: "I prosper wherever I turn. I now see opportunities for abundance everywhere. I am blessed and prosper."
Last month when I received an invitation to the house of a friend whom I have not seen in a while to come and cash in my old jewelry, I had a feeling that attending would bring me additional opportunity to prosper. I hesitated and some people thought it was a hoax to get me to buy something. But I went with my hunch and took the opportunity, I was right and now I've cashed in. Today I am truly grateful for that opportunity.
So, here's your chance to do the "Happy Dance" with me. Don't turn from opportunity. When you see the chance to take another step towards reaching your goals- don't let others talk you out of it. Grab all the opportunities you can get and GO FOR IT! The additional $500 is not a life changing amount, but it sure does make me do a "Happy Dance" and that feels good. And when we emit good feelings out into the universe more good things come to us.

Monday, September 22, 2008


"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right."

We spent the weekend at a family baptism in Virginia. My husband's nephew and his wife had a baby boy in June. That makes my mother-in-law a great- grandmother and my husband and I a great-uncle and great-aunt. YIKES! That's just too much for me to handle. We packed the kids, the mother in-law and some bags in the car and traveled 5 hours in the car down to Virginia. It was a nice weekend spent visiting with family and enjoying the new baby. My daughter looked pretty in her dress and my boys looked quite dapper in suits!(That's a rare occasion and I took lots of pictures as I may never see them like that again for a long, long, long time!) I really don't have much else to say- We all had a nice time and I'm looking forward to more good times ahead!
Here is today's affirmation: "I am surrounded by people I Love and who Love me.
I am at peace with myself and those around me. I know that I am safe and that I am loved."
This is my definition of family. Even my 14 year old son reconnected himself with the family. I think I'm beginning to see my sonny boy starting to come back to life!
Share with me some of your great family moments. What is your definition of family?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Love Your Body- No Matter What!

I haven't been to a primary care doctor in many, many, years. Well, today I had a complete physical done and I am so glad that I did. I needed my doctor to say it to my face "You need to lose weight." "Everything else is fine but, you need to lose weight." He's absolutley right. This is what I needed to hear to motivate me. So, I'll be back on the treadmill bright and early tomorrow morning. He also prescribed a bunch of blood work, which I will have done one morning this week. I'll keep you all posted. I know how to lose weight, the hardest part is keeping it off. This is the struggle.
Here is an update on the previous post on seeing old friends- My brother decided to go ahead and tell my mom about the illnesses of her closest friend. She was sad for her friends but her reply to him was "That explains a lot!" Evidently she did pick up on the changes in her friend and just didn't know what it was. My brother approached the subject with kindness and care. I was glad that he did it!
Today's Affirmation Reads: "I love my body. I create peacefulness in my mind, and my body reflects this peacefulness as perfect health."
I know that I am healthy! I am in the process of losing weight. Today I faced the truth and now I am ready to face it head on and do something about it.
When have you faced the truth about something in your life and used that truth to make a positive change?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Seeing Old Friends Again

Hello again friends. It's been quite a weekend. I went with to a bridal shower in New Jersey with my mom and my sister-in-law (my brother's wife). It was a very beautiful event held in an historical building. At the shower we reunited with some very close family friends that we haven't seen in more than a year. We are so close to them that we call them "aunt" and "uncle" and we consider their kids- "cousins". My mother thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with her old friend. But I noticed something different about my "aunt". She seemed over happy and kept saying the same thing over and over again. Well my "cousins" asked my sister-in-law and me how my mom was doing since my dad has past now five years last Monday, and did we notice anything different about their mom? I said that my mom was doing fine- she misses my dad tremendously but she is ok. I also said that I did notice a difference in their mom. They proceeded to tell my sister-in-law and me that their mom was diagnosed with alzheimers. That news went through me like a knife. My mom did not hear us speaking. I looked across the table at my mom and "aunt" talking and laughing. My mom did not pick up on the difference in her long time friend. I said to my "cousins" "I'm not going to tell her this news today. She's having too good of a time". They said that I should tell her before we meet again at the upcoming wedding because we will notice a huge difference in their dad as well. He has been diagnosed with parkinsons disease- another shot to the heart! This news is going to upset my mom very much. It will have to be done with much care and love. It breaks my heart to have to tell her this. This news upsets me also, as I care for this family very much. I have such great memories of growing up with this family. We've been together through so much happiness and some sadness. This family already has many challenges. The oldest daughter who is 47 has M.S. and has been living with it now for about 10 years. She has a strong personality and a great attitude towards her illness. She does not let it stop her from enjoying her life. She can no longer walk without assistance and most times uses a wheelchair. The younger daughter who is my age has a son with multiple disabilities including severe autism. She too is strong and does her best to live life to the best she can and helps her other son live as normal life as he can. Now they have this devistating news about their parents. They have a younger brother who has a lovely healthy family- he is their rock as well. They are facing their parents illnesses with such bravery and confidence to do everything they can to help their parents face their struggles with courage. I admire their strength. I'm hoping for the same strength when my brother and I sit down and give my mom this devastating news. I came away from this weekend with such gratitude for all of my wonderful blessings- we are all healthy and living a good life. All of the little things that I gripe about are nothing compared to the struggles that our long time friends face every day!
Today's Affirmation Reads: "As I say yes to life, life says yes to me. Life mirrors my every thought. As I keep my thoughts positive, life brings to me only good experiences."
These are the thoughts that I keep saying to myself to give me strength to stay positive through this horrible news. This affirmation will help me to speak with mom with love and care and help support her when she hears about the illnesses of her friends.
Have you gotten through some tough situations using the power of positive thinking?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Make A Joyful Noise!

Everyday I walk by our music teacher's classroom a countless number of times. Each time I pass his door I read the banner that he has hanging outside his door. It reads "Make A Joyful Noise". The banner also has a picture of a musical instrument. Everytime I read the banner, I say to myself "I like that saying". The more I read it, the more I begin to see a different meaning to the words written on the banner, other than the meaning of make beautiful music. It made me ask myself, what kind of noise do I make? Am I loud and annoying? Am I angry and shouting? Do I sound unkind? Do I complain and moan? Or do I make a pleasant noise? Am I soft and soothing? Am I reassuring and encouraging? Do I offer hope? Am I easy listening? It seems that "The squeaky wheel always gets the most attention". Why do we give attention to those who complain the most, moan the most yell the most? Everytime we give attention to negative behavior, we get more negative behavior. We keep paying attention to it in the hope that it will shut up and leave us alone. But it never does. The squeaky wheel just keeps on squeaking. Pay attention to negative behavior and we get more negative behavior. I like to live by the saying "You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar". If we pay more attention to the nice noises, we will get more pleasing sounds. It's pleasing to the ear. Makes us feel good inside. Encourages us to do more for eachother. It makes us pleasant to be around. We wouldn't want to shut eachother up and make people go away. So think to yourself. Do you make a joyful noise?
Today's Affirmation Reads: "I experience love wherever I go. Love is everywhere, and I am loving and lovable. Loving people fill my life, and I find myself easily expressing love to others."
Make a joyful noise everyday and your cup will runneth over with love!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I am quite an avid Oprah watcher. Listening to this little girl on Oprah yesterday gave me GOOSEBUMPS! Watch and you'll see. I bet you get chills when you hear her.

This girl is 16 year old Charise Pempengco she has the most amazing voice. She is also an amazing young lady. She has triumphed through many obstacles in he young life and she uses her gift of voice to help her family. Her strength and her God given talent brings me to tears and I get chills when I hear her sing. If I feel that way, I can only imagine how her mom feels! As moms we feel everything our children go through. We are extatic when they triumph and we are hurt and feel their sadness when they are down. Charise's mom must feel 10 feet tall. This makes me remember all of the times when I get goosebumps for my own kids. One time that comes to mind is my daughter's first dance recital. She was only four years old. I sat on the edge of my seat watching her every step. I had seen the routine millions of times as I watched her in her class every week. I knew every step and lived every step in my head as she performed it on stage. I sat with my heart in my mouth as she did a forward roll and prayed that she wouldn't forward roll right off the stage! She and her friends performed the routine flawlessly(always looking at the teacher who was in the wings telling them evey move). I had tears in my eyes, a lump in my throat, and the hairs on my arm stood up straight. It was her only number that day, but to me it was the best one in the whole show. Yesterday, she started her new season of dance- 6 classes a week! This is her 7th season. She will be in multiple numbers and she loves every minute of it and I still get GOOSEBUMPS. Only now it's several times throughout the show! So, if I can get goosebumps from my daughter's local recital, I can only imagine how Charise's mom feels.
Today's Affirmation Reads: "I open new doors to life. I rejoice in what I have, and I know that fresh new experiences are always ahead. I greet the new with open arms. I trust life to be wonderful."
I am grateful for all of the wonderful moments that I have with my children. They make me so proud with all of their accoomplishments (I will share more about my sons on future postings). I look forward to all of the future wonderful moments that I will have with them, graduations, weddings, new jobs etc..
What is your proudest moment? What new experiences are ahead for you and how will you approach them?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be A Part of the Solution!

Getting back to work this week has been great. A little hectic- but very successful. It will be even greater on Friday when the first paycheck of the school year is deposited into my bank account. The end of every summer is always quite a financial challenge for us. The summer check that I get in June is usually gone by the end of July. When we are home, we eat more, we go out more in short-we spend more! This year is no exception- we ate a lot, we went out a lot and now there isn't a lot! I could complain! I could blame everybody for eating us out of house and home. We could have stayed in all summer- that would have been boring! Instead, I decided to just work with what we have. So this is the week that I have to get crafty with expenses. I only bought a half a tank of gas (I can now get around until Friday). I disguised leftovers into a new dinner (nobody suspected a thing). I will be bringing my own lunch to work (I raid the change jar each day so I can buy a cup of coffee and a bottle of water). I've got two more days of craftiness until all is well again. Aside from being crafty with finances, I have to say that our first 5 days of school have been very successful. All have been getting up without a fuss- including mom!!! We have all been on time- including mom!!!!
Today's Affirmation Reads: "I release all criticism. I only give out that which I wish to receive in return. My love and acceptance of others is mirrored in me in every moment."
I have approached this new school year with a positive outlook. I have offered my assistance to new teachers and have offered to help in anyway that will help someone's day to run smoother. When some people are quick to criticise or complain, I will stop for a moment, take a deep breath and then help to create solutions rather than spend time and energy complaining and criticising which only adds fuel to fire. One of my favorite sayings reads "If you're not part of the solution then you are part of the problem."
I would love to hear how you work the problem instead of complaining. Help us to all be a part of the solution!

Friday, September 5, 2008

1st Week of School!

School is in! It has been a crazy week. I have been away from the blogging world for a couple of days and I missed everybody. I'm back now. The first week of school is always very hectic for teachers. I have been so exhausted these past couple of days I've been coming home and falling asleep for an hour before making dinner. However, I am very grateful to get back to work. I truly love my job! I haven't met with any students yet as it is too early to tell which students will need my help in math. I have spent my days setting up computers, meeting with new teachers, attending workshops, and tending to last minute setting up. So, I guess this entry will be about my gratitude for my job.
Some things I love about being a teacher:
I am grateful for the growth that the students make.
I am grateful for working with the teachers to help them better implement math and technology into the curriculum.
I am grateful for the teaching assistants who work for me. They really help to make my job easier.
I am grateful for the friends that I have made these past 20 years. They are relationships that I will cherish for the rest of my life even past retirement.

Today's Affirmation: "I am at peace. Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell in me. I feel tolerance, compassion and love for all people, myself included."

Feeling gratitude for my job gives me a great feeling of peace in my world. When I enjoy what I do, I feel joy with the rest of my life. I have studied and worked hard to achieve my place in my school. This gives me a great sense of satisfaction and PEACE!
Below you will find a video to watch Abraham Hicks explain the Appreciation vs. Gratitude.

Ok, so I'm working on moving toward apprecation!

Here is another video to help you meditate your gratefulness or appreciation:

I hope this can help you in your journey in finding complete appreciation for all that you have in your universe.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Family Around the Firepit

The hot sun, the pool, the beach, dad's great barbeque, these are a few of the kids' favorite things about summer. However, the most favored thing that we all love the most is the firepit that we bought last summer. Throughout the summer, most of our dinners are cooked on the barbeque (Bobby Flay, we're ready for a throwdown), especially on the weekend. Those dinners usually end with other family members stopping by for coffee and a sit around the firepit. This summer we have been able to really get the fire roaring. The grown-ups sit around the fire and the kids run around the backyard either catching fireflies or having running races. As the fire dies down to embers, we bring out the marshmallows and the kids roast them over the embers- yum! Of all of the ups and downs that we have had throughout this summer, our pow-wows around the firepit have been probably the best part of the summer. The warmth of the fire, the coffee in paper cups, and the light conversation bring us together as a family. These are the times that make memories for the kids. Just like I always remember how special my mom always made my birthday, my kids will have joyous memories of summers with their cousins running around the backyard and roasting marshmallows around the firepit. I bought the firepit because I liked the way it looked. I really had no idea the impact that it would make on my kid's memories of summer in their childhood. Tomorrow, my husband and I will clean it out of all its soot and ash and put the cover on it. It will not be lit again until next summer. As I lay here tonight ready to go to sleep, I am filled with abundance of love of family and am grateful that some of our most precious moments are spent around that firepit. It is sad to cover it up for the season, but I look forward to many more summer evenings sitting around the firepit.
Today's affirmation reads: "I trust in my inner wisdom. As I go about my daily affairs, I listen to my own guidance. My intuition is always on my side. I trust it to be there at all times. I am safe."
I had great intuition in purchasing that firepit! Eventhough I liked the way it looked, I somehow I knew that this item would be something special for us as a family. I listened to my own guidance and I trust that it will be there with me in many other experiences that life will bring to me.
What is your favorite summer memory? How did it impact your family relationships?

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Shopping Therapy !?!

Shopping is usually great therapy for me. Even if I don't buy anything or come home with only one small item, a trip to the mall lifts my spirits. This cannot be said if one makes this trip during the week before school starts. Friday I ventured out to the mall with my older son and daughter (middle son- still sleeping and would not get up). Our task was to buy some school shoes, a birthday present for my niece and maybe a few clothing items with which to start school. We get to the mall and the parking lot is crowded! We drive up and down the aisles looking for a parking spot. People are nearly killing themselves to beat everybody else for a spot. I was very patient. I envisioned a spot that I would like. While everyone else was dodging here and there- walla! a spot appeared right in front of me. Once we entered the mall, my son decided to venture on his own. My daughter and I were hungry so we headed to the food court. Again, it was crowded and there wasn't a seat to be had. I was confident that we would find one. We got online to buy pizza and a soda. We made our purchase and proceeded to find a seat. Again, everyone was dodging here and there nearly killing each other for a table. We slowly and carefully looked and within a minute a small table for two emptied right in front of us. We sat and ate. Throughout the rest of our excursion to the mall we trusted that we have no trouble finding what we wanted and we didn't. We didn't try to force it as others were doing- racing around hurrying to get on the shortest line, hurrying to get what they want. Yelling at others who are in there way. One woman actually hit her own son in the head with a shopping cart just to move to a shorter line. We just stood and waited and a new line opened up right in front of us. I think I left that store before that woman. Eventually we met up with my older son who had found all that he wanted and we made the drive home. While everyone else was running around in a panic and frenzy we had quite a pleasant time. Later that evening we met my husband for dinner. Middle son finally awoke and we ended up back at the mall for a short while. But again, it was a pleasant experience. We all got what we wanted. We went with the flow and all was well.
Today's affirmation reads:"I am flexible and flowing. I am open to the new and changing. Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am. I flow with life easily and effortlessly."
Because I have become flexible and flowing my trip to the mall during a very busy week could have been a very unpleasant experience. But allowing only positive thoughts to flow through my mind and using my positive vibration to flow, everything came to us easily and without aggravation, while others were harried and angry and rushed.
Share your experiences with me. When has using the power of positive thinking worked for you when faced with what might have been a difficult situation?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's That Time of Year Again!

The air is getting cooler. Night time is creeping in earlier everyday. The kids are going into their homes a little earlier each night. Supply lists are coming in the mail. Teachers are preparing their classrooms. Yes, it's back to school time again. As a mom I'm thrilled. I need the kids to go back to school- they're eating me out of house and home! As a teacher I'm dragging my feet just like the kids. I enjoy the summer just as much as the kids. I sleep late, stay up late, just like the kids. Thinking back on the events of the summer, I have much for which to be grateful. We spent a beautiful week in Puerta Vallarta, Mexico. Although my mother-in-law spent some time in the hospital, she is fine and working towards a complete recovery. I had the great opportunity to teach computers to 3rd graders at Science Camp for 1 week. I took a class with my colleagues through Columbia University and received graduate credit at the expense of my school district. I am most grateful for the shift in behavior my 14 year old son has made. He learned a very valuable lesson while attending summer school. That lesson is that he did not like going to school in the summer and will do his best to not have to go next summer. He had many ups and downs throughout the summer. His behavior was quite challenging this summer. Through much love and devotion I, my husband and the family showed for him, he is now responding to his boundaries with acceptance rather than opposition. He showed quite a shift at dinner tonight. While my husband was at a dinner meeting, the kids and I went out for dinner together. Tonight was the first night in a long time that my son did not complain about going out with us, where we were going or eating or rush us so that he could go out with friends after. He actually smiled, laughed and participated in the conversation without spending most of the time texting on his phone. Yeah! I think that we have finally cracked his surface. I know that my fiesty little boy is coming back to us. I know that his new expedition to high school will be challenging but I know he will conquer it and live to the potential that he has. I know now that his talents will now blossom. This is a new school year in a new school. The slate is wiped clean for us all and I know that we will be successful.

Today's Affirmation Reads: "There is plenty for everyone including me. The ocean life is lavish with its abundance. All my needs and desires are met before I even ask. My good comes from everywhere and everyone and everything."

We will enter this new school year with the eagerness to be the best we can be. To excell to new heights. These great accomplishments will bring us the abundance of all that this universe has to offer.

Share your thougths and goals for the new school year.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Law of Attraction at Work

I have been studying and practicing the Law of Attraction since January of this year. I have read books, watched "The Secret", and listened to seminars. Little did I know that I was practicing this way of living for most of my life. Whatever I want for myself, when I feel confident and trust that I will receive it then it comes to me. However, when I am nervous or unsure and feel negative about something, I don't get it. Most of my life I was told that I will never have lots of money. That is reserved for the few and privleged. My husband and I make a good salary but seemed to never have a lot of money, because this is something that we were told. We were given a preconceived notion that we will never have an abundance of wealth.Well since I have been studying the Law of Attraction I have shifted my thinking. I have not done anything different except have a more positive belief and confidence about receiving money. Yet in the past few months little things have happened that has brought us extra money. I have been given opportunities to teach enrichment classes that brought me some extra money. (I did not ask to teach them, I was approached by people and asked to teach those classes)At the end of May, my husband was given a bonus without any explanation. I have reopened relationships with people I have not seen in a long time. And just last night I attended a party at a friends house (someone I have not seen in a while) and went home with an extra $130. The premise of the party was to bring your old gold and silver jewelry and exchange it for cash. Jewelers were there to appraise and buy the jewelry from those who attended the party. My friend made 10% of what cash was paid out last night. The jewelers purchased $10,000 in jewelry from the guests and they gave my friend $1,000. I booked a party for them to come to my house and buy jewelry from my guests and I will make the same 10%. These amounts of money are not windfalls, but like I said little things are beginning to occur that is bringing me extra cash all because of my shift in thinking. I am looking forward to more experiences that will continue to bring more abundance to our lives. Below you will find a video with affirmations that may help to shift your thinking.
Today's affirmation reads: "My income is constantly increasing. I begin now today, to open myself to ever-increasing prosperity." Very appropriate given my experience last night. I truly pulled this card at random this morning!
How is the Law of Attraction working for you? Tell us your story. But first enjoy the video

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Celebrating My Heritage

Every third Saturday of August my family attends the Scottish Games at Old Westbury Gardens. There is traditional Scottish food, vendors of Scottish goods, events like Caber tossing, highland dancing, a dog show and of course the pipe band marches every hour or so. We go for the "good" Fish and Chips and all of the kids like to hang out together. My mom enjoys it because she sees some old friends. Yesterday, was just like most other times- very crowded and very hot! My husband and older son found refuge in the cafe set up near the wooded area. My cousin races there with her family every year and gets there around 10 a.m. I usually don't get there until around 12 noon (we are not morning people). My brother and his family usually get there just before I do and we take turns bringing my mom. It is usually a pretty relaxing day. Now that the kids are older they tend to go off together and do their own thing. We usually don't see them unless they're hungry and want money for something to eat. Basically yesterday was just like any other time that we have attended the games. Except for at the end of the day when my middle son (the one with the 12 stitches) announced that he would like to sleep at my cousin's house and hang out with her kids. The kids seemed to have schemed this up between themselves. My brother's daughter had already planned to go and my son wanted to join her. My knee jerk reaction was "NO"! My cousin seemed o.k with it, but she already has 4 teenagers of her own plus my niece was previously invited. She certainly didn't argue with me when I said no.I didn't think it would be appropriate for my son to add to the numbers. Now my son is angry with me. I don't know what to do. I don't think he really wanted to sleep over their house. I think he wanted to get away somehow. He really is puzzling me and I struggle to get him to be responsible.

OK, so here is today's affirmation: "Freedom is my divine right. I am free to think wonderful thoughts. I move beyond past limitations into freedom. I am now becoming all that I am created to be."
I am grateful for the freedom to live your dream but I struggle with giving my son all the freedom that he wants. I am grateful that he is a healthy and able person.
My son just wants to be free. But he wants free with no boundaries and that worries me. I would feel more at ease with giving him more freedom if he showed more responsibility and care towards family and school. Can anyone shed some light on this for me?

Friday, August 22, 2008

Twelve Stitches!

My husband and I have 3 children, 2 boys and 1 girl, ages 16, 14, and 10. All are wonderful and unique in their own way. They have some similarities. But their differences definitely outweigh the similarities. All have their turn at keeping us on our toes. Lately, it is the 14 year old that is keeping us not just on our toes but hopping and jumping all over the place. He gives us the most practice at using our parenting skills as he likes to push himself to just outside of his allotted boundary lines. He also thinks that he is unbreakable and made of Teflon.
Yesterday, he went with his friends to "Buddy Day" (orientation for incoming 9th graders) at the High School. After "Buddy Day" was over he and some of his friends were supposed to walk back to our house to hang for the day. Well, they decided not to do that. They decided to go to Taco Bell and then to a playground near the Middle School. Of course I had to call him to find out where he was. Now that I knew where he was I decided to go shopping for school supplies. I asked him if he wanted to come and he replied "EW- No". So I took the other two. The store I was going to was only up the street from where he was.
For the next 45 minutes we trotted through the local office supply store with lists from schools that have arrived in the mail. Dutifully we found all of the items on the lists plus a few new things for mom's desk at her school. We approach the check out and stand on a line which seems like a mile long. It is finally our turn and we begin to put our items on the counter and the girl begins to scan our items and my phone begins to ring from inside my purse. My older son says "Ignore it". But my gut says answer it. He is closer to my purse than I am, so he answers it. I continue to work with the clerk on checking out our items and I hear "What! You're bleeding! Where are you? How did that happen?" I stopped and stared at my son who has now hung up. He tells me that the 14 year old fell, is bleeding but does not want to picked up and taken home. I send my son and daughter to the car and I call my bleeding son back and convince him that we should pick him up and bring him home. We pack the car and I take the keys from my older son. This is no time for him to practice driving! We jump in the car and race to the playground. We find my son standing with his friends. He gets in the car. He has a big gash over his left eye and that area of his face is covered in dried blood. But he insists that he is fine. On the way home my husband called just to check in. I tell him what happened and because he was close to home at the time, he decided to go home. We get home and I get him into the bathroom and sit hm down and I begin to clean up the wound with gauze and disinfectant. As I clean it,he begins to tell me what happened. At the playground there was an abandoned shopping cart. One of his friends decided to push the cart down the slide. Watching this, my son gets the bright idea and says "Wait! Let me get in it before you push it down the slide." So, he gets in the cart and his friend pushes him down the slide. He rolls down the slide in the cart. As the slide hits the ground, it bottomed out, my son toppled over and the cart came down on him, hitting him just above his left eye. Real smart eh? And one of his other friends caught the whole thing on video! This show is to be posted on Youtube.
I decided to call our pediatrician's office to see if I could bring him to have the wound looked at. I was put on hold for what seemed like an eternity. Once the receptionist got back on the phone she said I could bring him in at 5:30 (it was 3:45 and he is still bleeding). I told her that he was bleeding and she said "OK 4:45, but we are very booked with 'WELL VISITS'". I get his bleeding under control and we go to the doctor at 4:30. We arrive at the doctor's office. My son is holding a bloody gauze to his head and we are told to sit down only after I pay the co-payment immediately. We sit in the waiting room and watch all of the babies who are "WELL" escorted into the examining rooms. Finally, 30 minutes after we arrived, we are called in. My son doesn't even sit down but the nurse takes one look at his head and BOLTS down the hall for the doctor. The doctor comes quickly. She looked at my son's wound for 2 seconds and says "Good-bye! Go to the E.R. He needs stitches." Back in the car we go. I call my husband. I call my mom. I tell them all where we have to go and we were off to the hospital down the street. We arrived at the hospital at 5:15. 4 hours and 12 stitches later, we arrived home. Most of the time spent at the hospital was time waiting for the on call plastic surgeon to arrive.
Today the eye is black and blue and swollen. He thinks he looks cool and is hoping for a cool scar.
I am grateful, that he only needed stitches and not a new eye! I am grateful that he did not hit his head and do any permanent damage. I am grateful that I still have my son!
My Affirmation for today reads: "All is well in my world. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe."
I think that my son has learned a valuable lesson. He said that he will never do that again. Maybe, now he will stay inside his allotted boundary line. At least for a little while anyway. For me this was a little scary and quite earth shattering. But, this situation happened for a reason and I know that all is well and there is a lesson to be learned and it will all come to light for us so that we could grow together as a family.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

18 Years of Love and Happiness!

Yesterday (8/19/08)my husband and I celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary. Yup, my birthday and anniversary usually gets wrapped up in one long couple of days of celebrating (extra time on the treadmill again this morning). Sometimes we spend our anniversary just the two of us, but yesterday we decided to take kids in tow. We decided to visit one of our favorite haunts, NYC. We started off at SouthStreet Seaport and then walked to Little Italy for dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Paesanos. NYC has an energy like no other place I've ever experienced. The people, the places, the streets, the smells are all energized to the max. I guess that's what draws us there so often. As we were walking from SouthStreet to Little Italy (longer walk than we anticipated)I was remembering what I was doing 18 years before. I was primping for the most memorable and probably the most important day of my life. I wore a beautiful white gown and veil. I had a professional photographer photographing every move I made. I rode in a white limousine to the church and then to the reception. It rained cats and dogs that day but to me it was the most beautiful day in my 26 years. Yesterday, I wore capris and my black croc flipflops but that's ok I was with the most important people in my life and that is all that matters. We had a great dinner and nice stroll around downtown. It was a great day and it has been a wonderful 18 years. I look forward to decades more! All of these feelings and events from my birthday to my anniversary ties in very nicely with the affirmations for yesterday and today!
Yesterday's Affirmation: "I am safe in the universe and all life loves and supports me.I breathe in the fullness and richness of life. I observe with joy as life abundantly supports me and supplies me with more good than I can imagine."
I truly felt a great sense of abundance yesterday and still do today. I felt full of the richness of life walking through the streets of NYC and spending time with those that I hold closest to my heart.
Today's Affirmation: "I am beautiful, and everybody loves me. I radiate acceptance, and I am deeply loved by others. Love surrounds me and protects me." Although it's back to laundry and all of the other household chores, it is a beautifully warm, sunny day today. My husband is back to work, the kids are occupied in some way or another and I am happy sitting here writing to all of you. I am very grateful to have such wonderful opportunities that allow me to share all that moves me and all that I care about.
What makes you feel safe, love and accepted?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Queen For A Day No More!

I just want to say thank you to all of the nice birthday wishes that were extended to me yesterday. I really had a nice and relaxing day. I was "Queen for the Day" as everyone waited on me hand and foot. My husband prepared a great dinner and my family came by. After dinner and cake, we lit a fire in the firepit on the patio and sat around the fire for a while. Today my reign as queen has ended. I hopped on the treadmill this morning (too much cake) and all was back to normal.

Ok-here is today's affirmation: "My work is deeply fulfilling. Today I give my best to that which I do, knowing that when one experience is complete, I am led to even more fulfilling and rewarding experiences." Being a teacher, I don't work in the summer. So my job during the summer months is reduced down to that of mother and wife, instead of mother, wife and teacher. I get to take off one of my hats for 2 months. The job of mother and wife can be very fulfilling! I feel fulfilled when my kids excel at something or when faced with a social challenge they make a good choice and do what is right and not necessarily what is popular. My husband and I have a very close relationship and we work together to raise the kids. He truly is my best friend. Tomorrow we will celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary. It has been a very fulfilling 18 years. I feel very blessed to have such a loving family. We encounter many challenges but we work through them together. We know that when one task is complete, we will be led to another experience and we will tackle it together and grow from each experience that we encounter. In a couple of weeks I will put my teacher hat back on and I am looking forward to a new year with my students. I know that each day will be rewarding for them and me. Together we will grow and learn. They will make great strides during the school year and I am always so proud of all of their accomplishments.

How does your job fulfill you? I would love to know how you face challenges and create rewarding experiences with whatever you do.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my birthday! Today I am feeling grateful for all of the wonderful birthdays I had as a child growing up. I have fond memories of my mom and dad and family doing everything they could to make my day very special. I didn't have lavish parties and the celebrations usually included my mom, dad, brother and grandparents. But those small celebrations were grand to me. I remember that my mom used to wrap everything in individual boxes to make it seem to me that I got tons of things. She probably could have put everything in one box or gift bag and called it a day. But she wanted me to unwrap as many things as possible. As I got older, I had many friends who used to take me out for a night on the town and that was such a great memory.
As the years past I got married and had children. My grandparents and dad have past on, my brother has his own family and friends have drifted apart. My mom still does everything she can to make my day special. Sometimes we go out to lunch. But the pile of gifts has been reduced a gift card inside a birthday card. Today I am grateful for my wonderful husband who right now is out with my daughter scurring around town gathering things for another small family celebration. I am happy that my older son has cleaned his room that he shares with his younger brother. I am happy that my middle son has so far chosen to spend the day at home rather than out with friends. My mother-in-law is returning home today from her visit with her daughter in Virginia. My mom will come over later. I am grateful for a small barbeque(because that is all that my husband can cook- in fact he is quite good at it) and cake and a nice fire going in the firepit. I don't need lavish parties and piles of gifts! I am grateful for the love that surrounds me today. The greatest gift is all of the things that my family is doing for me to try to make my day special.
So, today's affirmation is quite appropriate for today. It reads "My future is glorious. I now live in limitless love, light, and joy. All is well in my world." Today is first day of my new birth year and it will be my best year yet. I look forward to all the wonderful experiences that will come to me this year!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Thoughts Are Creative

Today's Affirmation: "My thoughts are creative. I say out to every negative thought that comes to my mind. No person, place or thing has any power over me, for I am the only thinker in my mind. I create my own reality and everyone in it. This thought gives me great energy."
I was feeling a bit sluggish this morning and a little down in the dumps. But as I read this affirmation to myself a couple of times, I began to pick myself up and I'm feeling much more energized than I did this morning. I pick it up and read it everytime I pass by it. I am tremendously better than I was this morning. I then came across this video. Watching the images creates a vibration of great energy inside of me. Watch it and let me know how it makes you feel. Together we can send this great positive energy out into the universe.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I Now Go Beyond Other People's Fears and Limitations

Today's Affirmation Reads: It is "my mind that creates my experiences. I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life." I'm sorry that I have not posted in a couple of days. I had relatives visiting and I was unable to get to my computer. I missed not visiting my blog and chatting with my affirmation friends. This really helps me to stay focused on my goal of living my best life. So, I am back and I feel refreshed and feeling good that I create my own limitless experiences and abundance! Check out the video below. Louise Hay Explains this beautifully. Enjoy! Let me know your thoughts on this.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Deserve the Best and I Accept the Best

Today's affirmation reads: "I deserve the best and I accept the best I am mentally and emotionally equipped to enjoy a prosperpous and loving life. It is my birthright to deserve all good. I claim my good." This powerful statement gives me the encouragement that I can have the best of things that life has to offer. The best is no longer reserved for the priveleged few. I have spent my life accepting seconds and giving up bests for others. I guess I didn't feel like I deserved the best. I always wanted to be the best, but wanting doesn't mean you will actually be the best. Wanting will only just leave you wanting. Saying this affirmation helps me to acquire the best and know that I deserve it. I now attract only the best into my life. I would love to know how you acquire the best that life has to offer.
Check out this video

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Loving Others is Easy When I Love and Accept Myself

Today's affirmation: "Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself. My heart is open. I allow my love to flow freely. I love myself. I love others and others love me." I struggle with this one today. I love many people and I open myself up to others and I encourage others, but many days I do not do this for myself. I love others, but beat myself up for many different things. If anyone can help me with this, I would appreciate it. Can't wait to hear from you all.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

What are Affirmations?

I have been reading some of the comments that you have been writing. I look forward to reading them everyday. I feel the need to define what I mean about affirmations. I have been reading and following the teachings of Louise Hay. Louise Hay is a metaphysical lecturer and teacher and best selling author. Louise Hay has assisted millions of people in discovering and using the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self healing. I have been reading her book "You Can Heal Your Life" and I have a box of her affirmation cards. Affirmations are small but key positive messages to the self. They are used as reminders, helping to keep positive messages at the forefront of our consciousness. They are a powerful tool in supporting positive thinking and are very effective in changing life patterns and perspectives. I find that the affirmations on the cards are helping me to harness the power of positive thinking and direct it to specific areas of my life that need attention or where I want to bring change. As I stated in my first post, I randomly choose a card from the box each day and read it aloud. Throughout the day I try to find where in my life this affirmation would have meaning and how it can help me to achieve a positive change in that area of my life. I then share this affirmation on my blog. The title of each blog posting (with the exception of today's and yesterday's post) is the affirmation that is written on the card that was pulled for that day. It is my hope to send a positive vibration out into the universe to help me to achieve my goals. I also hope to gain insight and support by others who are reading my posting. As I stated before I am very excited to hear from all of you and I hope in some way these affirmations are helping you as well. For those of you who have sensed that I am bragging that I'm fabulous and infallible when I write "Everything I touch is a success" I am not. That is the affirmation on that day's card and the rest of the posting is where I find meaning from that day or a particular area of my life that I would like to make better. I apologize for any confusion. I have found a great site with all of the affirmation cards. I have posted it under My Favorite Sites on my blog. Go to the site. Click on the word shuffle and choose your own affirmation for the day. Good Luck!

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Wise Mother Knows "The Secret"

Today's affirmation card reads: "My life works beautifully! Everything in my life works now and forevermore." I'm struggling with this affirmation today. I have to keep saying to try to believe it. Although I have many things to be thankful for, things don't always go the way that I want them to or better yet the way I "think" I want them to. This affirmation keeps reminding me of what my wise mom always says "there is a reason why this or that wasn't right" or "there must be a lesson to be learned" or "there is something better that is going to happen. I am a teacher. I have been teaching for 20 years. Throughout those 20 years I have applied for other teaching positions within my district. Most of them I did not get. Each time I didn't get the job I "thought" I wanted I was very upset and my mother would always say:"there's a better position waiting for you". Through the years I have learned that she is right. It doesn't happen right away, but always sometime later I'm very glad that I didn't get those positions for one reason or another. Then, 6 years ago, the right position opened up and I just knew it was mine. I worked very hard and I got it! Had I gotten one of those other positions, I wouldn't have the great position I have now. I was a classroom teacher for 15 years and now I am a Math/Technology Consultant and I love it! So eventhough there are some bumps in the road, my life works beautifully! So, when you hit a bump in the road, stop, take a deep breath, try to find the positive in the situation, and know that there will be smoother part of the road coming up soon and know that your life works beautifully!
Just an additional note to all of my readers- I truly love and appreciate all of your comments. They truly inspire me and keep me positive! Thank you so much

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Everything I Touch is a Success!

Today's affirmation: "I now establish a new awareness of success. I know I can be as successful as I make up my mind to be. I move into the winning circle. Golden opportunites are everywhere for me. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me."
This affirmation kept me going today. Ok, so I didn't work to make extra money today. But having success around the house can give one a sense of accomplishment. Sundays in our household are usually spent getting ready for the work week ahead- along with church this could include: cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping etc.. I was inspired to complete my tasks of cleaning and doing laundry today. Keeping the house in order helps to keep your life in order. I have heard the belief that money can't come into clutter. I feel that when my house is in order then it easier for my finances to be in order. Money needs space to grow and breathe. So I feel great success in keeping everything in order today. This helps to keep me inspired to stay on the right road to accomplishing great wealth in finances and every other aspect of my life. So now that we are organized, we can be energetic to tackle the work week ahead with much success!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

I Am Worth Loving

Today's affirmation states: "I do not have to earn love. I am lovable because I exist. Others reflect the love I have for myself." It's quite funny how each card that I randomly pull from the deck each day are appropriate for what is happening in my life. My middle son is a typical 14 year old who can be quite defiant. He and I have been working on our relationship. He thinks he is an adult and can do whatever he wants and I of course know that he has many years of maturing to do before he can have such freedoms. I spent most of last night sleepless and asking God and the universe for an solution to bring him and I to an even balance. As soon as awoke I pulled a card from the deck and it says "I am worth loving". There was my solution. We are all worth loving. The situation with my son can only be resolved with LOVE. The more I tell him he is loved, the more likely he is to show love and respect towards those that love him. I asked him to pull a card for himself. After he looked at me funny, he curiously chose a card. Ironically his card read " I balance my masculine and feminine sides." "The masculine and feminine sides are in perfect balance and harmony. I am at peace, and all is well." This comes after we had a talk about creating a better balance in his life! Wow! I left it for him to think about. A few minutes later he leaves with a friend. I walked into his room- his bed was made and his clothes were picked up and I didn't have to call him back into the room because he missed something. This was truly a small miracle that has occurred in our household!

Friday, August 1, 2008

I Prosper Wherever I Turn

When I opened the box of affirmation cards today, this card fell out onto my bed. So, I thought, this must be my card for today! Today's affirmation: "I Prosper Wherever I Turn". The explanation on the back reads "I now see opportunities for abundance everywhere, I am blessed and prospered." This is quite true for today as I was paid for a job that I completed last week, I saved money by not getting sold out of a movie and my husband received some leads on new job opportunities. I have begun creating a vision board to help me on my journey to manifesting abundance. However, I find it quite cumbersome cutting out pictures and I don't always have a thumb tac. So, being that I am quite tech savvy I thought it would be fun to create a digital vision board, a mind movie. I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

There is No Blame!

I release the need to blame anyone, including myself. We are all doing the best we can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness we have. I have a box of Power Thought Cards by Louise Hay. Each card has an affirmation written on it. These affirmations help to find inner strenght in oneself. This is the card I drew randomly today. I have been thinking about this statement "There is No Blame" throughout the day and I have realized that I do a lot of blaming in my life. The person I blame mostly is myself. I blame myself for why I don't have a lot of money, why I struggle to pay bills, why I am overweight, why my middle son doesn't do very well in school etc.. But as I dig deeper into the explanation of the statement "There is no blame" I realize that everything I do in life I do to the best of my ability. I have a lot to be grateful for. I have a nice home. I am surrounded by a loving family. I have the best husband on earth. I have been blessed with 3 wonderful and healthy children. My husband and I have great jobs that pay well. I work hard everyday to keep my family safe and happy. Sometimes things don't work out the way I planned, but I no longer blame myself. Everything I do, I do with the best intensions and with love. Does anyone else have any other insight to this?