Monday, September 15, 2008

Seeing Old Friends Again

Hello again friends. It's been quite a weekend. I went with to a bridal shower in New Jersey with my mom and my sister-in-law (my brother's wife). It was a very beautiful event held in an historical building. At the shower we reunited with some very close family friends that we haven't seen in more than a year. We are so close to them that we call them "aunt" and "uncle" and we consider their kids- "cousins". My mother thoroughly enjoyed reconnecting with her old friend. But I noticed something different about my "aunt". She seemed over happy and kept saying the same thing over and over again. Well my "cousins" asked my sister-in-law and me how my mom was doing since my dad has past now five years last Monday, and did we notice anything different about their mom? I said that my mom was doing fine- she misses my dad tremendously but she is ok. I also said that I did notice a difference in their mom. They proceeded to tell my sister-in-law and me that their mom was diagnosed with alzheimers. That news went through me like a knife. My mom did not hear us speaking. I looked across the table at my mom and "aunt" talking and laughing. My mom did not pick up on the difference in her long time friend. I said to my "cousins" "I'm not going to tell her this news today. She's having too good of a time". They said that I should tell her before we meet again at the upcoming wedding because we will notice a huge difference in their dad as well. He has been diagnosed with parkinsons disease- another shot to the heart! This news is going to upset my mom very much. It will have to be done with much care and love. It breaks my heart to have to tell her this. This news upsets me also, as I care for this family very much. I have such great memories of growing up with this family. We've been together through so much happiness and some sadness. This family already has many challenges. The oldest daughter who is 47 has M.S. and has been living with it now for about 10 years. She has a strong personality and a great attitude towards her illness. She does not let it stop her from enjoying her life. She can no longer walk without assistance and most times uses a wheelchair. The younger daughter who is my age has a son with multiple disabilities including severe autism. She too is strong and does her best to live life to the best she can and helps her other son live as normal life as he can. Now they have this devistating news about their parents. They have a younger brother who has a lovely healthy family- he is their rock as well. They are facing their parents illnesses with such bravery and confidence to do everything they can to help their parents face their struggles with courage. I admire their strength. I'm hoping for the same strength when my brother and I sit down and give my mom this devastating news. I came away from this weekend with such gratitude for all of my wonderful blessings- we are all healthy and living a good life. All of the little things that I gripe about are nothing compared to the struggles that our long time friends face every day!
Today's Affirmation Reads: "As I say yes to life, life says yes to me. Life mirrors my every thought. As I keep my thoughts positive, life brings to me only good experiences."
These are the thoughts that I keep saying to myself to give me strength to stay positive through this horrible news. This affirmation will help me to speak with mom with love and care and help support her when she hears about the illnesses of her friends.
Have you gotten through some tough situations using the power of positive thinking?

1 comment:

Suzi said...

It is always hard to be the bearer of bad news…a role few enjoy. ..and there really isn’t any easy way to go about it. The only consolation is that at least knowing sooner rather than later, will allow you mother some time with her friend before the illness progresses further and to perhaps to be a support to her husband. Good luck and I’m sorry for your sadness as well…it sounds as if this family has had their share of challenges and that they have met then with grace and courage, I’m sure the support of good friends has helped them as well. My thoughts are with you,