Friday, September 5, 2008

1st Week of School!

School is in! It has been a crazy week. I have been away from the blogging world for a couple of days and I missed everybody. I'm back now. The first week of school is always very hectic for teachers. I have been so exhausted these past couple of days I've been coming home and falling asleep for an hour before making dinner. However, I am very grateful to get back to work. I truly love my job! I haven't met with any students yet as it is too early to tell which students will need my help in math. I have spent my days setting up computers, meeting with new teachers, attending workshops, and tending to last minute setting up. So, I guess this entry will be about my gratitude for my job.
Some things I love about being a teacher:
I am grateful for the growth that the students make.
I am grateful for working with the teachers to help them better implement math and technology into the curriculum.
I am grateful for the teaching assistants who work for me. They really help to make my job easier.
I am grateful for the friends that I have made these past 20 years. They are relationships that I will cherish for the rest of my life even past retirement.

Today's Affirmation: "I am at peace. Divine peace and harmony surround me and dwell in me. I feel tolerance, compassion and love for all people, myself included."

Feeling gratitude for my job gives me a great feeling of peace in my world. When I enjoy what I do, I feel joy with the rest of my life. I have studied and worked hard to achieve my place in my school. This gives me a great sense of satisfaction and PEACE!
Below you will find a video to watch Abraham Hicks explain the Appreciation vs. Gratitude.

Ok, so I'm working on moving toward apprecation!

Here is another video to help you meditate your gratefulness or appreciation:

I hope this can help you in your journey in finding complete appreciation for all that you have in your universe.


Rev. Julieanne Paige, O.M.C. said...

Hi Maureen

It's good to have you back, you have been missed :) I knew this week would be hectic for you as my fiance returned to teaching this week as well. And you are not alone he was napping this week before dinner too.

I love the videos you have on this post. I really am feeling relaxed after that Deepak Chopra meditation.

I am very grateful for many things today :)


LITeacher said...

It's good to be back. I really do enjoy the connection that I have with all of my blogger friends. I am truly grateful for all of the support that I get from everyone's comments. It definetly keeps me writing and gives me renewed spirit to what is going on in my life. I love talking to all of you.